{The rules}
Post a pic of the award in your postPost 11 random facts about yourself
Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you
Nominate 11 bloggers
Write 11 questions for them to answer
Let them know they're nominated!
**11 Facts About Me**
1. I love to dance. I danced from age 2 and up!
2. I have a passion for singing and music, I also play guitar.
3. monograms-- yeah, obsessed.
4. I really enjoy cooking and baking!
5. Obsessed with excellent smelling candles.
6. I really love wine...
7. I want a teacup pig as a pet when I get older.
8. I MUST have coffee in the morning.
9. I want to travel the world... but who doesn't.
10. I love my house, and I don't even care that I act like a housewife at age 21.
11. My dream is to own a farmhouse that I modernize.
**Answers to Jessi's Questions**
1. Top reason for blogging? Well I started off blogging freshman year in college because it seemed interesting and I thought it would give my friends from home a way to keep up with my adventures. I stopped for a while, but I am now a marine girlfriend (hoorah) so it is always nice to have something to do when he is away.
2. Red or White Wine? Am I allowed to love both! It is just such a tough decision. My favorites are moscato and sweet red.
3. Football Fan? Team! So here is a fun fact about me: I love football, but I am a trader. I love the Ravens and the Redskins due to location/family tie reasons.
4. Man Crush? Celebrity: currently ooo'ing and ahhh'ing over Charlie Hunnam from Sons of Anarchy. Non-celebrity: I'm gonna have to go with my marine (super cheesy, I know)
5. Woman Crush? Jennifer Aniston (of course.)
6. What would your dream vacation consist of? I want to escape to somewhere tropical and sip on umbrella drinks and lounge in the sun all day long!
7. Do you have any fur babies? Does it count if I am obessed with my fur-niece? Her name is Gracie Lee, three words... lab/mastiff mix!
8. If someone was to describe you in one word it would be? loud (oops)
9. What is your favorite holiday? I'm absolutely 100% a Christmas kid. I love everything about the holiday! (come snuggle with me and my hot chocolate while we open gifts!)
10. What is your favorite book? (I'm looking to start a new one) I'm a huge fan of the Sarah Dessen books (I know they are for teenagers, but they are quick and fun reads... "bubble gum for the brain" as my mom would say)
11. Best advice for a young girl? Never settle. Plain and simple, keep pushing yourself, strive for the best, and never think that unhappiness is your end. If everything is not alright in the end, it is not the end.
**My Nominations**
Rachel--makeshift munch
Frannie-- the blonde prep
Hunter-- prep on a budget
Caroline-- citrus and style
Sarah-- classy girls wear pearls
Mackenzie-- design darling
Gracey--stripes and peonies
Mallory--just get inspired
letters, lilly, and lattes
Jane--see jane.
Kristinasimple but real
**Questions from me to you**
1. Why you started blogging?
2. Favorite fall activity?
3. Favorite nail polish?
4. Favorite meal to make?
5. Favorite clothing staple in your closet?
6. If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
7. Favorite inspirational quote?
8. Your order at Starbucks?
9. Weekend activity of choice?
10. Favorite item of make up?
11. Guilty pleasure?
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