Sunday, July 26, 2015

Coffee Corner

Okay y'all, for a while now I have been sitting around whining about how badly my house needs some new pizzaz and day dreaming about how to achieve this. My amazing family showed up this past weekend and worked their tales off for two straight days to help me remove a tree, lay out the new garden area, paint my front steps, clean and seal my back deck, clean out my shed, and rearrange my entire kitchen. I think my favorite change of all was working together with my mom to create the start of my coffee station. I am so in love y'all!! All my favorite things in one little area of my kitchen. Disclaimer: this is just the beginning, so it is still a bit plain.
My previous (fantastic) neighbors left my amazing wine rack on the back porch as a welcome home gift when I first moved in four years ago (I can't believe it has been that long!!). 
I have had this red tray for four years now as well and use to have it sitting up on a plate display on top of my cabinets... had to break it out as my mug holder. 
Go grab up my new favorite mug from target while they are still in stock. Super cute teal pattern. My baby (Keurig 2.0) loves it's new home. I have an outlet directly behind my wine rack that I never used, so it was perfect placement for my coffee station. 
As you can tell, my mother thought she was hilarious by putting my Mister Tea tea infuser into his own personal coffee station hot tub. **the plastic is not just trash hanging out, it is actually a keurig 2.0 carafe hack that my brother-in-law snipped up for me yesterday**

                   Do you have a coffee station!? What do you use for your K-cup storage?



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