Saturday, January 3, 2015

dear fellow coffee addicts

Dear fellow coffee addicts, 
I am writing to tell you of this wonderful finding of auto-delivery. I am sure some of you are probably already very aware of this amazing service, but for those of you who dont... let me fill you in. 

If you love your k-cups, but hate having to go get tiny boxes of them every week have I got a new saving grace for you! I have had my keurig for quite some time now and am abosolutely obsessed and wouldn't know what to do without it. This christmas I recieved the Keurig 2.0 and couldn't be more pleased. (yes, it is my new baby) I have always tried to buy the cheaper brand k-cups and re-fillable coffee ground filters, but the 2.0 reads the cups to make sure they are keurig brand before you can brew them. So I decided now was a better time than any to sign up for the Keurig Club online. I had heard from quite a few people that buying your k-cups from the online store saves you quite a bit of money in the long run. Well I was pleased with the amount of coupons I found and the ability to get sample packs of things I only want to try out. 

Although, the best feature by far is the auto-delivery. You can set your order to come straight to your front door! Coffee delivery to me... MERRY CHRISTMAS! You can set it to delivery at different weekly intervals and it wont ship until the date you have set. This is a fantastic new "lazy-hack" finding, and I can't wait to fill you in on how it goes. 

To sign up yourself go visit www. and follow the directions! 

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