Monday, September 29, 2014

uh oh, empty!

I have a love-hate relationship with running out of things. On one hand I get to try new products since the old ones are gone, on the other some of these things are my favorites! Here are three things I just ran out of and wanted to share with you. 

1. Bath and Body Works 3-wick candle: Honeysuckle- Y'all... this candle is serious to die for. It is the perfect amount of scent for a room in the spring time. There is nothing like the smell of taking a walk and finding a patch of honeysuckle, and this candle makes you feel that way every time you enter the room! 

2. Biotin supplement- I'm sure a lot of you ladies have jumped on the bandwagon with me in Biotin use, but if you haven't run, skip, fly (however you want) to the store and pick yourself up a bottle. This stuff has been a life saver lately. Bad hair cut and need it to grow out? no problem... biotin helps. Need stronger nails? no big thing... biotin helps. Your skin looking extra tired lately? we've all been there... biotin helps. Okay, rant over. 

3. Bath and Body Works Foaming Soap: blushing mimosa- mmm, this stuff smelled incredible. Although, I saved this bottle for a long time before using it so I'm not even sure it is a scent they carry anymore. But boy, did it smell fantastic. 

What products have you just run out of?

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