Sunday, July 6, 2014

101 in 1001

Lately I have been obsessed with making lists and checking things off, but in an academic sense. I suddenly remembered that I am still in the process of working on my "101 in 1001". If you haven't heard of this fun and adventurous project it has become a absolute hit with me and my best friend! You can see an example of her 101 in 1001 on her amazing blog right here. Basically it is a list of 100 things (with making a new list when the old one is completed as 101) that you would like to complete within 1001. This forces me to think in the big picture and not just within the frame of next week. I love this because I can get fun and adventurous with it, but still have time to long range plan for certain items if need be. I have found that it forces me to get up and try new things and some are even out of my comfort zone! So I challenge you to start thinking... 

What will you put on your 101 in 1001?

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