Monday, October 21, 2013

Today is the Day!

Today is the day

So I've never been one for sticking to a work out routine, but today is the day. More and more lately I have been realizing that my dance body is completely gone, and I really need to kick myself back into gear. My boyfriend is also leaving for a three week long training on the boat that he will be deploying on in March (Marine Corps.) so I thought you myself... 25 days before I see him next, let's make this a nice surprise. Now I am not saying I am a girl that "needs" to lose weight to begin with, but every girl knows how good working out makes you feel about yourself. I have decided that the three weeks of no communication with the boyfriend might just be a bit easier if I have something to take up my spare time, and hopefully make me feel better about myself at the same time! 

I recently heard about an awesome work-out by Jillian Michaels from a fellow blogger (and my wonderful neighbor) go check her out! The work out is titled "30 Day Shred" and my 1st day of thirty is complete... I am not going to lie to you ladies, it is a challenge at first. I believe that it will only get easier with time, but I do understand that the first day of anything is rough. Hopefully I will be able to keep at it! Here is the link to the work out if anyone would like to try it with me...

Comment below and let me know what you think, how you are doing, and if you have any motivation for me! Thanks. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to start with you!! Thanks for the shout-out fabulous neighbor!
