Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Raised bed DIY

My older sister use to live with me and while she was here she asked my wonderful father to build her a raised garden. During her year here she was able to grow some very delicious veggies in our raised bed and I am now ready to take over the effort. Today (in the 100 degree weather) I decided it was time to weed the garden and get some new growth happening. Now I don't want to toot my own horn but TOOT TOOT! I got the entire thing weeded today (which was no small feat), bought, and planted some new veggies and herbs. Here are some pictures of the progress from today. 
It was a slow moving morning and very sweaty, but I kept going! 
SEE!! The only thing that got me through was the music coming from my ipad and speaker (pictured on the right). 
A visit to Lowe's and $30 dollars later... we are ready to go! 
What I planted: green oregano, basil, spearmint, two green pepper plants, banana peppers, and two packets of sunflowers. 

**Tomorrow's project- buying and setting up a hose and timer to water my plants for me!!**

Do you have a raised bed or garden of your own? What have you planted in yours? 


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Huge announcement!!

I have had such an amazing week... I have officially become an aunt!! I have had a fur niece for four years now and tons of baby cousins running around to love on. Yet, none of these little ones have been my own. It is now finally time to introduce you to my snuggle bump!



Now that you know, expect to get plenty more photoshoots of my snuggle bump. Thanks for reading y'all!